"If there’s a world here in a hundred years, it’s going to be saved by tens of millions of little things. The powers-that-be can break up any big thing they want. They can corrupt it or co-opt it from the inside, or they can attack it from the outside. But what are they going to do about 10 million little things? They break up two of them, and three more like them spring up!"
- Pete Seeger, in YES! Magazine

Monday, July 13, 2009

Right a Trailer

The project:
Help right an upturned trailer.

15 minutes

Why bother?
It's what you do when you're traveling with someone else - help.

We had gone over some pretty hair trail, but the trailer opted to bounce itself right upside down in this mild spot! Go figure. I backed down, turned around, and provided winch support, though the cable sorting and heavy lifting was done by others in our group.

Worth it?

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