The project:
Give out 100%, organic juice boxes to trick-or-treaters.
45 minutes - including shopping and answering the door over, and over, and over again! :)
Why bother?
When our own kids were tiny, they didn't eat junk food with the exception of the occasional home-baked treat, so when Halloween came around, it didn't make sense to me to give to OTHER children what I believed was detrimental to the health of my OWN children. We started to experiment with Halloween treats that might bring smiles AND be healthier alternatives.
It's probably no big surprise that, while our kids really loved fruit leather, this was NOT a warmly received Halloween treat. That was an expensive experiment.
We went with Halloween toys a couple of years. That was expensive, plus with our house packed with toys and trinkets, the last thing EYE want, as the maid, is more stuff, particularly cheap junk that the kids will toss into a corner and forget by morning.
We hit upon glow sticks and juice boxes a couple of years ago - both are warmly received. The kids are always so thirsty from running around that they usually turn around and immediately ask their parents if they can drink their juice. "Right now?" Plus the glow sticks, already snapped to life by us, help make the little ghouls more visible. This year, I had to cut out the glow sticks. (Those organic juice boxes aren't exactly cheap...particularly when you're hosting an army one door knock at a time.) Maybe next year we'll be set with the sticks n' juice again.
Worth it?
Yes. I do confess that I feel like a bit of a party pooper. But I find the kids' immediate reaction to the juice rewarding, and we've had no complaints...yet.
Day 763: Happy New Year
6 years ago