"If there’s a world here in a hundred years, it’s going to be saved by tens of millions of little things. The powers-that-be can break up any big thing they want. They can corrupt it or co-opt it from the inside, or they can attack it from the outside. But what are they going to do about 10 million little things? They break up two of them, and three more like them spring up!"
- Pete Seeger, in YES! Magazine

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spend a Special Weekend with Dad

The project:
Taking a special trip with Dad (aka Grandpa) and the girls.

Four days and then some

Why bother?
I have wonderful memories of the times spent with my grandparents and great grandparents. I'm fortunate to have young parents who are still able and willing to get out and about with their grandchildren. This weekend the stars aligned (and so did our calendars), so we headed out to share some of Grandpa's favorite places, just the four of us.

Worth it?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Taking a Turn at the Wheel

The project:
Taking a turn at the wheel as a night road trip.

200 miles, about 3.5 hours

Why bother?
Having two licensed drivers in the truck is awfully nice when you get a late start. Our options: leave Friday morning and drive, essentially, all day or get some miles on Thursday night for a short finish Friday. We opted for the Thursday night approach, which meant it would be AWFULLY tough for either of us to stay awake long enough to make it safely to camp.

Worth it?
Yes. It was good to get rolling; and helping my dad with the driving is the LEAST I can do for all the time and effort he's put into making this trip (and so many others) possible.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No computer contact - again

Just a note to let you know we will be out of contact with electronics 'til late Monday night. We're headed to the desert, where I'm sure we'll find some way to help out. I'll report back upon our return. Meanwhile....find some deeds of your own and tell US about what you're doing. :)

Pajama Program Call for PJs & Books

The project:
Make and distribute a flier to 150 neighbors for our neighborhood PJ and Book Drive.

90 minutes to create and print fliers and distribute them door to door.

Why bother?
I think this is a worthy project that benefits local shelters. I've been trying to work up a bigger drive, but coordination is causing delays. Let's get the PJs going, folks! :)

Worth it?
We'll see if neighbors contribute - if so, yes, if not, then this first effort will be a bust. Pickup day is next Thursday. I'll post the results then.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beach Cleanup

The project:
Pick up trash - what else?

15 minutes?

Why bother?
We had a great day at the beach, but it's hard to be there and just step over the trash, so I picked it up - a diaper, a pair of underwear, plastic bottles, suntan lotion bottles full and empty, food containers, wrappers, odds n' ends.

Worth it?
Sure, it makes our beach more enjoyable. I wish people would take their OWN trash, of course.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

College Student Care Package

The project:
Build a care package of (mostly) health foods for a college student.

~30 minutes

Why bother?
I used to love receiving care packages when I was a student. It really didn't matter WHAT was inside. It really was the thought that counted. Then again, as a "starving student," WHAT was inside was always welcomed warmly by me and my roommates as well. Now my cousin is living la vida colegia, and I hope to bring her some of her favorite foods from California to warm her heart and fill her tummy.

Worth it?
Absolutely. This recipient never fails to let me know she's received her boxes, or even mail a hand-written note. (Yes! GASP....SNAIL MAIL!) So I get the feeling she's enjoying my efforts as much as I enjoyed making them for her.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Kind Words to Employee Supervisors

The project:
Pull aside an employee's supervisor to share my appreciation for her hard work.

3 minutes

Why bother?
So many people are so quick to judge, but do we really know what's going on in these people's lives? When the checkout clerk fails to greet us, when the waitress seems distracted, when the bank teller seems a bit curt, well, maybe they're just having a bad day.

How often do we take note of GOOD service? Not often enough.

Today, the checker at the grocery store wasted no time checking us out. In fact, it may have been my fastest run through the checkout. Ever.

She saved me enough time that I thought I'd use up some of those minutes hunting down the front end manager and offering praise.

Worth it?
Absolutely. My comments brought a bright smile to his face, and I hope will bring some similar warm response when he shares the good news with her. And, maybe one of these not-so-great days when she's a little distracted or drops something and a customer is quick to complain, the supervisors will remember the GOOD words put in about this employee as well.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mop & Carry Flowers, etc.

The project:
Generally lend a hand after today's church social.

30 minutes - But all four members of the family got involved. Some folded tables and stacked them away in the closet. Some stacked chairs. We swept and mopped and helped clear tables. We carried a heavy vase full of flowers out to one elderly member's car.

Why bother?
Someone has to clean up after a party. We were there.

Worth it?
Certainly. While it needed to be done, helping here always feels good because all help is so warmly received.