American diet for a week:
In America, we're seeing record increases in obesity, diabetes and other diseases related to overeating. So how can it be that we're also seeing families go hungry? Many claim the hungry have put themselves in this position by placing luxuries (e.g. plasma televisions, new cars, cloths) higher on the priority list than food for their children. But there are families without these and other luxuries who do struggle to put food on the table.
Many communities offer services for hungry people from food kitchens where hot meals are served regularly to food banks where food, largely donated by the community, is given away free of charge. Schools also provide free and reduced price breakfasts and lunches to qualifying families.
The project:
Gather food from our pantry to share with the local food bank.
10 minutes
Why bother:
People tend to give during holiday periods. There's also a great demand at that point. Food pantries are often greatly depleted shortly after these peak periods. There's no better time than the present to lend a hand.
Worth it?
I'd like to think that someone would be there for our family if we really couldn't afford food anymore. If our donation means some kid won't go to bed hungry, it's absolutely worth the few minutes it took us to gather it. We'll deliver tomorrow when FoodBank is open.
: )
ReplyDelete1/05/2009 1:53 PM
Did you clean out all the junk food to help with you pact?
ReplyDelete1/05/2009 5:28 PM
There was SOME junk food (if you call CHOCOLATE junkfood). ;)
ReplyDelete1/08/2009 7:24 PM
Good point. We all have too much and can certainly do with less. I am really trying to cut back on many things - movies, dinner out and even the grocery store - cooking things from scratch rather than the fast way. I use my Crock Pot a lot and freeze many meals each time I make a Crock Pot meal.
ReplyDelete1/08/2009 7:25 PM
One of the area food bank's best programs is the weekend backpack program, in which food is sent home with students who are the most needy. They get free breakfasts and lunches at school, but possibly nothing on the weekend. It would be good for a special mention in your blog. I don't know many details, but it is financed by a bank that had a giant benefit at Rancho Miranda. The bank was Coast Hills Fed Credit.
ReplyDelete1/08/2009 7:30 PM
Perhaps you and your girls would like to participate in our frugal luncheon in February . . . we’ll send you info . . . you’ll bring non-disposable utensils, and maybe a donation. I’ll send the info to you when we give it out to our students. Menu: rice, beans, cornbread, perhaps a small bit of chicken, and water.
ReplyDelete1/08/2009 7:32 PM