"If there’s a world here in a hundred years, it’s going to be saved by tens of millions of little things. The powers-that-be can break up any big thing they want. They can corrupt it or co-opt it from the inside, or they can attack it from the outside. But what are they going to do about 10 million little things? They break up two of them, and three more like them spring up!"
- Pete Seeger, in YES! Magazine

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Project Linus #5 - First Pair Completed

The project: Complete the quilt I designed for Project Linus.

90 minutes

Why bother?
Click here.

Worth it?
This project took several hours to design and build, plus there was the unexpected cost related with batting. (OOOPS!) Still, it was fun, and E particularly enjoyed making hers (and the idea of giving it to someone who she believes will love it). I hope the keepers of these quilts will enjoy them to the fullest.

We'll let you know how they're received by the local project rep.

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