"If there’s a world here in a hundred years, it’s going to be saved by tens of millions of little things. The powers-that-be can break up any big thing they want. They can corrupt it or co-opt it from the inside, or they can attack it from the outside. But what are they going to do about 10 million little things? They break up two of them, and three more like them spring up!"
- Pete Seeger, in YES! Magazine

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hosting Teenagers

The project:
House members of a school choir as they pass through our community on their winter singing tour of California.

Overnight, plus EARLY breakfast and delivery back to the group tomorrow morning!

Why bother?
Mr. B asked if we could host. I was shocked. He's a pretty quiet guy, and not super keen on having strangers in our home. The choir sang tonight at Mr. B's church, then divided up among church members' homes for the evening.

Imagine all the places kids could go if they could just find shelter along the way. It certainly could help save those tight (or even non-existent) school travel budgets while giving the kids countless memorable experiences.

Worth it?
So far so good. The girls we brought home opted to settle down to, of all things, Wall-E. Sure, this is one of OUR favorite movies, but how cute is THAT?


  1. Good for you and Mr. B!
    When I was in high school choir we traveled from S. California to Utah to sing at various spots. We stayed with host families and had a blast!

  2. Yeah, I remember being hosted for band and swim trips. Good times, those. Glad I can now provide that safe lodging and warm, lasting memories for someone else.


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