Remember an acquaintance, her details and, especially, her children during a chance encounter so many years later.
10 minutes
Why bother?
We were hiking in West Marin when we ran across a local. I hadn't seen her in more than a decade, so she was shocked when I remembered her, and details, and particularly her children. (What mom isn't happy to have their children remembered?)
Generally, I'm terrible at remembering people's names or details. It's one or the other for me, for some reason. But people feel so great when they're remembered for the good stuff. I know this is something I need to work on, and today was the perfect example of just how much we can brighten others' days by remembering them.
Worth it?
Photo courtesy ChicagoGeek under Creative Commons license.
A couple of months ago when you first posted about your charitable deeds (such as the pyjama drive) I showed your blog posts to my students. They were inspired by your daily efforts to make the world a better place, and as a matter of fact they were particularly impressed by two things: you weren't just focused on the "big efforts", you made a point of performing smaller, less glamorous (but still important) initiatives. We specifically discussed how important it is to improve our world one small step at a time. Secondly, we appreciated the fact that you were taking the time to spread your message by blogging about your service efforts. I apologize for not communicating this to you earlier, but I think that it's important for you to know that your efforts are not a waste of time. You inspired us to refocus on our goal of making a difference in the world. Thank you Jen! Please don't get discouraged, and please don't stop writing about your journey. You have an audience!