Change the spark plugs on my husband's truck, and while you're at it, remove the denuded wiper arms, prep, prime and paint them black again.
30 minutes
Why bother?
The truck's been running a bit rough. First place to start, the spark plugs. By doing it in the driveway for him, we saved a bundle of money, he saved time (and miles of walking), and I felt pretty darn good about completing a useful project.
The arms just bugged me. They've bugged me for months. All the original paint had long been stripped by wind and sun, and we had the painting supplies here. So, wrench, twist, pull, paint and reverse. VOILA! Looks like new!
Worth it?
Yes - DH was happy to have his truck running better, and amused by the cosmetic effort. on his 17-year-old truck.
Photo courtesy nouQraz under Creative Commons License.
Way to make yourself feel good and succeeding at making your husband happy! Very impressive ... changing out the spark plugs!